Friday, November 4, 2011


I started reading at age three, probably in attempts to keep up with my older siblings, and I haven't stopped since. I am the ultimate book nerd and proud of it. I typically have a book in my purse and my boyfriend has been known to say, "put the book down and talk to me" (he's like a cat that will crawl on your book and nap as soon as you pull it out). This is my roundabout way of taking part in Friend Friday hosted by Modly Chic, this weeks topic: name your top five books. 
1. 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
I don't need to think about this one, it is by far the most amazing and beautiful book I've ever read. You really need to get past those first 50 pages and then you will be hooked. It is the story of a family in South America throughout several generations. It is magical realism and has the most amazing stories like when the whole town is plagued with insomnia and slowly loses their memory.
2. The "Little House" series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Maybe I'm cheating by listing a series, but I love them all. I spent so many days lost in the stories of Laura Ingalls. Her books inspired me to love writing and lose myself in a story.
3. East of Eden by John Steinbeck
I could add almost any Steinbeck to this list but I'll choose this as my favorite. It loosely follows the story of Cain and Abel and is really phenomenal; as always Steinbeck does not disappoint with plot and character development.
4. The Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
I read this book the first time I backpacked Europe and it was beautiful. This book instilled a love for India and Yoga and brings me back to a peaceful mind time and time again with stories from this Yogi. It is exactly what the title suggests, the autobiography of a Yogi in India.
5. Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
I really recommend this book. I first read it in Junior High and it opened up my mind. I'm still not sure how much is real but it is the story of a young man who finds his "guru" in a gas station and his road to spirituality and enlightenment. 
So there you go, my list. Typically I reach for novels but two of my favorite books are stories of real people working towards enlightenment, so I'm not sure what that means. What are your favorite reads?

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